Top 9 IT Open Source Tools For September 2019

Top 9 IT Open Source Tools For September 2019 Main Photo

Top 9 IT Open Source Tools For September 2019

Hello guys,

We have prepared for you a selection of the most interesting finds from the open source for September 2019.

Technologies inside:

  • Python
  • C,
  • Rust,
  • Ruby,
  • Javascript,
  • Go.


  • Web development,
  • Administration,
  • Developer tools.

#1 Sampler

A utility for executing and visualizing shell commands. Gather yourself your own monitoring in 2 minutes. (Written in Go).

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#2 Hyperfine

A tool for measuring the speed of console applications. (Written in Rust).

Sample Image 2

#3 Tiler

Tool for creating images from other images and templates.
It sounds wild – it looks cool! (Written in Python).

Sample Image 3

#4 Bic

REPL for C programming language. (Written in C)

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#5 Webhint

Linter for your websites. Allows you to make sure that everything is in order with SSL certificates, cross-browser support, accessibility (a11y) and many others. (Written in TypeScript).

Sample Image 5

#6 Pychubby

Allows you to change facial expressions of people (and not only!) In a photograph. (Written in Python).

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#7 Hypothesis-Auto

Generates hundreds of property-based Python tests based on annotated function signature. (Written in and for Python).

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#8 Dry-Effects

A library for writing declarative business logic in Ruby. Basically uses Algebraic Effects, which we talked about last time. (Written in and for Ruby).

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#9 Wemake-Python-Styleguide

The strictest and toughest Python linter in the world. Inside there are more than a thousand rules for checking the style, complexity, security and readability of your code. Fully compatible with flake8 and implemented in legacy as a single team. (Written in and for Python).

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That’s all for today. There are many other interesting projects. Suggestions for improvements, links to projects, feedback – write in the comments.