The Benefits Of Bulk Messaging With AI In 2020

The Benefits Of Bulk Messaging With AI In 2020

The Benefits Of Bulk Messaging With AI In 2020

In 2020, utilizing tech is not just about streamlining revenue or automating. Instead, smart businesses are looking at how they can create better customer experiences at all times. One of the main ways we support customers is with high-level communication, with services related to everything from appointment reminders and status updates on a project through to a prompt that your item is arriving and on-the-spot quotes. The trouble is that in many businesses, these sorts of qualitative services that invest in the customer experience need to be personalized to be truly memorable and effective.

Rather than have staff writing custom emails all day long, why not jump on the tech that analyzes high levels of data to create a realistic and professional service? Consider this: research from Single Grain estimates that by the end of 2020, “60% of companies will be using artificial intelligence for driving digital revenue.” Concurrently, it’s no surprise then that reports that it’s also a rapidly growing domain of business across a range of industries with distinctly unique value offerings, be it Retail or Marketing, Education, or Healthcare, or Tourism. The bottom line is that it’s worth considering if it’s suitable to help resolve persistent issues and achieve better services no matter what your business does.

Take a deep dive on the topic with this graphic

This info-graphic ‘How to Boost Your Bulk Messaging with Artificial Intelligence’ from Cadoo is a 101 to help you make the switch to this form of customer communications. As well as outlining current data on the use of this tech, it critically assesses its strengths so that you can get ready to deploy this new wave of communications. In 2020, make this investment for your business so that you can enhance your customer’s experience while supporting your team to complete the work that’s often sidelined with this type of customer correspondence. Stay up-to-date, learn more, and get set to see high-level outcomes that take your work to the next level.