Top 9 IT Open Source Tools For October 2019

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Top 9 IT Open Source Tools For October 2019

Hi there. I’ve prepared for you a selection of the most interesting finds from the open-source for October 2019.

Technologies inside:

  • Rust,
  • Swift,
  • TypeScript,
  • Javascript,
  • Go,
  • Scala,
  • Python,


  • Web and mobile development,
  • Data visualization,
  • Developer tools,
  • Documentation.

If you are interested you can check what we have covered in previous release here.

#1 vue-interactive-paycard

A beautiful credit card form with smooth and sweet micro-interaction that includes a number of formatting, validation, and automatic card type detection, Built with VueJs and also fully responsive.


Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your unit tests

npm run test:unit

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

#2 RX

A modern pixel editor which implemented in Rust. Designed with great care and love with pixel artists and animators in mind. It’s designed to have as little UI as possible and instead takes inspiration from vi’s moral nature and command mode.


#3 Bow

Bow it’s a library for Typed Functionality Programming in Swift.

It has such features as:

  • Patterns – solutions to recurrent problems, in a purely Functional Programming manner.
  • Typeclasses – Enable ad-hoc polymorphism with protocols like Functor, Applicative, Monad, and many others.
  • Data Types – Take advantage of numerous data types based on algebraic properties.
  • Integrations – Bow integrates nicely with popular Swift libraries like RxSwift.

#4 is-website-vulnerable

A console application to check for vulnerabilities on any sites: by just entering the domain name. and it will give you a list of vulnerabilities that might be under that domain. And it’s written on pure JavaScript.


#5 SandDance

This tool will allow you to easy-to-understand views, it helps you find insights about your data, which in turn help you tell stories supported by data, build cases based on evidence, test hypotheses, dig deeper into surface explanations, support decisions for purchases, or relate data into a wider, real-world context.


#6 Spleeter

This tool works on is the Deezer source separation library with pre-trained models written in Python and uses Tensorflow. It makes it easy to train source separation model (assuming you have a dataset of isolated sources), and provides already trained state of the art model for performing various flavor of separation :

  • Vocals (singing voice)/accompaniment separation,
  • Vocals/drums/bass/other separation,
  • Vocals/drums/bass/piano/other separation.

# 7 grpcui

This is a tool based on the command-line that lets you interact with gRPC servers via a browser. It’s sort of like Postman, but for gRPC APIs instead of REST.

In some ways, this is like an extension to grpcurl. Whereas grpcurl is a command-line interface, grpcui provides a web/browser-based GUI. This lets you interactively construct requests to send to a gRPC server.

With this tool, you can also browse the schema for gRPC services, which is presented as a list of available endpoints. This is enabled either by querying a server that supports server reflection, by reading proto source files or by loading in compiled “photoset” files (files that contain encoded file descriptor photos). In fact, the way the tool transforms JSON request data into a binary encoded protobuf is using that very same schema. So, if the server you interact with does not support reflection, you will either need the proto source files that define the service or need protoset files that grpcui can use.


#8 Polynote

This tool works as a different kind of notebooks. It supports mixing multiple languages in one notebook and sharing data between them seamlessly. It encourages reproducible notebooks with its immutable data model.


#9 mermaid-js

This is a utility tool for drawing various graphs from text. Works great looks beautiful. Widely used for documentation.
