Which Programming Languages is in demand in 2017
At the end of March, another mega-poll of developers from StackOverflow was released, in which tens of thousands of people took part. Link to the survey results here. The report turned out to be impressive in size, so let’s just look at some interesting moments from it.

- The first thing that catches your eye is that now the web developers are the most (72.6%). And also that 2/3 of them are full stack (63.7%). So if you do not already know javascript, I advise you to look at this direction.
- This becomes even clearer if you look at the top most used languages:
JavaScript — 62.5%
SQL — 51.2%
Java — 39.7%
C# — 34.1%
Python — 32.0%
PHP — 28.1%
C++ — 22.3%
C — 19.0%
TypeScript — 9.5%
Ruby — 9.1%

- The most interesting here, in my opinion, is TypeScript. People are tired of the magic of JS and are using strict typing. In the past, TypeScript did not have this percentage. I even slightly doubt the reality of such figures.
- Well and at once let’s look at the top of databases:
MySQL — 55.6%
SQL Server — 38.6%
SQLite — 26.6%
PostgreSQL — 26.5%
MongoDB — 21.0%
Oracle — 16.5%
Redis — 14.1%
Cassandra — 3.1%
From my perspective: PostgreSQL has good positions, so everything is ok.

- Development is still is “men” profession (men 88.6%, women 7.6%, gender-non-conforming 0.9%, transgender 0.5%, others (???) 1.2%). Who these “rest” – is not specified, then we give ourselves to the will of imagination. In general, the diversity of the sexes is clearly growing, which can not but increase inter-sectional tension in society.
- Parents of developers mostly have a good education
- The education of the developers themselves is also usually present (bachelor/master), while most consider this important.
- Regardless of the presence or absence of education, 90% like to learn independently.
- For most programming is also a hobby
- There are several reports on the most beloved and unloved languages, the most paid, etc.
A very interesting picture shows us the language of Rust. Among those who have already tried it – this is the most favorite language. At the same time in the “most wanted” languages, it is not in the lead. People prefer to learn languages that they need for something (and for Rust so far the work is difficult to find). Also, it’s mean that the excellent Rust language is simply bad Developer Advocates.

- From the interesting in the frameworks: those who tried to React – are satisfied. Angular content with less, but all plans to study it.
- With the most paid technologies it’s strange: in general, programmers on Clojure and Rust pay the most for the world, but for example, in America, these two languages are not visible even on the horizon but won all go. Here, or some kind of skewing between countries or a statistical outlier due to a small sample of programmers Rust and Clojure. Well, or something I do not understand.
- More about the payment. Although web developer’s most of all they got paid almost the least of all. Apparently, there are a lot of offers, the demand is so-so. Most beneficial is Devops, a specialist in Machine Learning, as well as everything related to mathematics and statistics.
- 44% of developers believe that they are underpaid.
The above is the tip of the iceberg. The StackOverflow report is really huge and worth exploring, so be sure to check the original.
Share your opinion and tell me which programming language do you prefer as Developer?