60 Tips That Will Help You To Increase a Traffic to your Website or Blog

60 Tips That Will Help You To Increase a Traffic to your Website or Blog

On the question “How to increase traffic?” It is impossible to give a short and concise answer because there are a lot of ways with which you can increase the traffic of the site.

That’s why we decided to prepare for you this material – a convenient cheat sheet with almost all known methods of traffic extraction.

We say “practically”, because they could forget or miss something, but in any case, it is one of the complete articles on this topic, which are in a run and, we hope, it will come in handy.


1. Collect the widest possible semantic core. Include all types of search requests there – not only HF but also MF and LF, make up a competent site structure and begin to gradually process the collected keys.
2. Use the Google Keyword Planner or KWFinder. These tools will allow you to automate and greatly facilitate the process of collecting keywords.
3. Sort keywords phrase intelligently. Think first and foremost about what keywords your audience will be looking for the information they need.

Internal and external content marketing

Internal and external content marketing

4. Start blogging. But before that, make sure that it contains all the elements necessary for its development.
5. Publish your materials regularly. It is desirable not less often than 2 times a week. If there are no results for one or even a few months, do not stop, do not release the revolutions. To blogging began to bear fruit, it will take some time. Just take it as a fact.
6. Write about what you really understand. And what really can be useful to your users.
7. Publish the materials at the same time. This will develop a habit for your audience to read your blog regularly, monitor updates.
8. Remember about the semantic uniqueness. With each of your material, you must bring something new to the Internet: new information, a new approach, a new point of view. This is one of the significant factors of ranking.
9. Try to create content with viral potential: article-lists with a large and beautiful figure in the title, infographics-cribs, articles that broadcast a unique experience.
10. Make your articles correct. Each of your text materials should have the following elements: a strong headline, a short intriguing lead, quality images with witty captions, as well as tie-ins with the most curious or important facts. All this will make your post more interesting and visually rich.
11. Try to evoke emotions in people. For this, here’s a good cheat sheet for you.
12. Make a rating of the most famous personalities in your niche. Describe what they are famous for, add their photos and links to profiles on social networks. Most likely, many of them will want to share your creation with their subscribers, and you will get a significant increase in audience coverage.
13. Take an expert from your market interview and publish it on your blog. This will give you a good increase in attendance.
14. Make a list of the most common posts on your subject (as we did, for example). Such articles are just doomed to receive a large number of likes and shares.
15. Create a post-answer. Find a contentious article in your niche and write the material in which you express your point of view on the question raised. Do not forget to make sure that the author of the original material has noticed your creation.
16. Conduct an objective survey of your market. Based on this study, create a quality white paper.
17. Do not force yourself into a framework. Practice different types of content submission.
18. Save this book for yourself. He will be your saving and when there is a shortage of ideas (and he will surely come belief).
19. Study the content of competitors. To understand what steps you need to take to get more traffic, you need to keep track of what your rivals are doing.
20. Try to expand the subject of your blog. And look at what this will lead to. Sometimes the competent expansion of the subject results in a good increase in traffic. We tested this on our own experience when several months were actively written on the topic of “business and self-development.” The main thing is, do not get carried away too much.
21. From time to time, revive your old content. To do this, you can use any of the proposed 12 ways.
22. Become a content curator. Announce in your blog useful publications from authoritative sources. How to find such content, read in our article.
23. Subscribe to Google Alerts for the requests of your market. You will receive notifications for published materials containing these key phrases.
24. Create a forum on your site. With the help of it, you can significantly improve the bounce rate, build a community interested in your subject and make your site start ranking by low-frequency key phrases.
25. Take up the guest posting. Just write not for links, but for the sake of expanding the reach of the audience. Otherwise, you can get a filter.
26. Start to keep a column on one of the most famous sites in your area. Becoming an author of Forbes is not so difficult as everyone thinks about it.
27. Use Google’s FAQs and other similar resources. Answer questions related to your field of activity. Help users solve their problems without asking for anything in return.
28. Become an active commentator on forums and blogs related to your topic. Use your real name and photo.
29. Use the social aggregators Flipboard or Category. With their help, you can present your posts visually attractive.
30. Collect reviews. If you sell products, give a small discount to each customer for the obligation to leave an honest feedback on your site.

Social networks

Social networks

31. Start official pages in all popular social networks: Facebook, Vkontakte, Classmates, Google+, Twitter.
32. Start working with Pinterest or Instagram. If you sell visual goods, you must necessarily attend one of these sites.
33. Do not ignore LinkedIn and Stumbleupon. Despite the fact that these social networks are not too popular in Runet, one day they can give you a good flow of traffic.
34. Let’s make full announcements of your materials on social networks. This means that they must have an introductory text, a photo, and a link.
35. Include interesting excerpts in your posts. For example, quotes or statistics.
36. Attach the most important and interesting posts to the very top of the tape. To do this on Facebook, click on the arrow in the upper right corner of the post and select “Select publication”.
37. In the announcements on Facebook, add a call-to-action button. How to do it absolutely free of charge and without the use of advertising, is detailed here.
38. Use Twitter cards. To make your tweets look more beautiful and informative and get more conversions.
39. Write intriguing tweets that you want to click on. Yes, it’s an art, but you can learn it.
40. Make contests. Choose a worthy prize, set clear rules and go ahead. And those who find it difficult to think up something of their own, you can use ready-made templates.
41. Give out discounts for “likes”. In Facebook, this can be done using the paid application Facebook Coupon App.
42. Exchange posts with similar communities. Find groups with approximately the same number of subscribers as you, and offer a free exchange of posts.
43. Mention experts. When you quote or repost the material of one of the well-known experts in your field, mention its name with the @ symbol.
44. Prepare 10 article descriptions (these can be quotes, figures, unexpected conclusions) and publish them on social networks for several weeks in a row.
46. Use the pay with a tweet button. Its meaning is this: to download some useful content from your site (e-book, white paper, research, etc.), you need to share this link on Twitter. Thus, you can greatly increase the reach of the audience.

Other methods

Other methods

47. Engage in marketing. Agree with competitors on mutually beneficial cooperation. Mention each other in email-mailings, promote each other’s posts on social networks, write guest posts, etc.
48. Start by emailing. This is one of the most powerful tools to attract traffic and retain customers.
49. Promote your new posts in the newsletter. It is not necessary that all your letter consists of only links to your site, but a couple (on the most successful materials for the past week) is definitely worth adding.
50. Do news. Read our practical guide to master this technique and bring to your site a powerful flow of traffic.
51. Use paid ways of promotion. Contextual advertising, thematic advertising in social networks and on popular resources among your audience, placing banners on large on-site sites will help attract attention to your content.
52. Work with negative comments. Do not delete them, answer honestly and deployed. If you really are guilty, admit guilt and try to compensate for it.
53. Use semantic micro-markup. All the leading search engines recommend doing this to get the best results in the issue.
54. Use extended snippets. They attract the attention of users and increase the number of transitions to the site from the page of the issue.
55. Remember: one day is one change on the site. Turn into the one who constantly does something, and not only builds vague plans.
56. Take care of the “happiness of the user”. Increasing user satisfaction, you send an important signal to search engines – after switching to your site and viewing the material, the user solves his problems.
57. Engage in offline advertising. Leave links to your site on branded products, company cars, flyers, radio advertisements, etc. (more interesting ways are described here).
58. Track the results of your actions. Be engaged in web analytics, track all necessary metrics, monitor social networks and mentions of your brand in the network. Only in this way you can understand what is effective and what is not.
59. Focus on those strategies that really work. Do not mindlessly do what others do. Try each method described in this article and select only those that suit you and your business.
60. But do not get hung up on the same thing. Look for new ways to increase traffic, sites, tools, and approaches. Open up new horizons and do not be afraid to experiment. This is the surest way to increase traffic.

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