The Top 40 Ideas How To Increase Website Traffic

The Top 40 Ideas How To Increase Website Traffic

The lack of visitors to the site, the main problem with which is facing most of the business. This article was written with one single purpose, to help you out to get a traffic to your website.

Next below you will find a short description of what you should focus on first and make them as the rules that you should follow to start getting at least some traffic to your website.

Idea 1

1. Focus on Long Search Phrases

Make sure that your Title, Meta Description, and Keyword Phrase are included all relevant terms and phrases relevant to your topic.

Idea 2

2. Create a Mailing List

That the one of the important thing that you should do fist is creating your own mailing list such a weekly newsletter. First, it really works, no matter what anyone says. This is best confirmed by statistics – so, estimated that more than 90% of people who have a virtual mailbox, check it daily. On average, a good email marketing service gives a return of 44 times the amount of each dollar spent, so you should not miss this opportunity to increase profits. Moreover, according to an approximate calculation in the next year, the number of recipients of letters will reach 2.7 billion people.

Idea 3

3. Create a Forum on your Website

An open forum for communication stimulates new visitors to communicate, as the site bounce rate is significantly reduced.

Idea 4

4. Use Social Networks

Create and manage the community in social networks, so you can attract significant traffic to your site.

A Social Network such as:

Idea 5

5. Use the StumbleUpon Service

This is a commercial web search service that combines the principles of p2p and social networking with blogging “with one click and, it really works.

Idea 6

6. Participate in the Services Question/Answer

Everyday users ask hundreds of questions and maybe somewhere your site will be able to answer the questions.

Idea 7

7. Work on Your Title

The title of the page is what your visitor sees, what he will be guided by. Carefully select headlines for the needs of your visitors.

Idea 8

8. Find out the Bloggers’ Communities, According to Your or Similar Topics

Sometimes it is very useful to communicate with the audience. Maybe you will be prompted by something new or tell me.

Idea 9

9. Add Internal Links to Your Posts

Adding internal links to other pages, post allow you to guide and redirect readers and the same time you allow them to pick up more information. It is very useful for SEO.

Idea 10

10. Give an Opportunity to Ask Questions to Your Visitors

As a rule, if the visitor came to your website it means that he/she is interested in it. So, at that point, you should allow them to ask questions or let them share their opinion in public.

Idea 11

11. Writing a Guest Posts

This is one more of the thing that you should not skip at all as the guest posting allows you to advertise your page and yourself as the professional in your field that you have an experience in.

Idea 12

12. Become a Reviewer or Take Part in Any Major Project

An additional audience can appear from where you least expect it. For example, if you are volunteering, and your blog about the economy, there is still a possibility that people who are far from the economy will come to your blog, just to look and get acquainted with you.

Idea 13

13. View Old Pages, Optimize Them

It is possible that you did not fill the first pages of your blog correctly.

Idea 14

14. Check Your Backlinks that Leads to Your Website

If their quality goes down, you can be punished by Google. Use Google Webmaster Tools.

Idea 15

15. Related Sites

Can offer to host ads on third-party resources, do not neglect them.

Idea 16

16. Write a Lot and Often

Any blog has more chances to get an additional audience if it is constantly filled with interesting and unique content. According to them.

Idea 17

17. Share Information, News on Social Networks

If you can offer something interesting on your site, share it with your friends.

Idea 18

18. Quote the Reputable Experts on Twitter

Use hashtag @ when using quotes.

Idea 19

19. Focus on Your Strategy

Remember, the Internet is created for experiments, try new methods of promotion, use the experience of specialists. Take Action!

Idea 20

20. Communicate With Other Bloggers in Similar Niches

One of the main moving forces on the Internet is teamwork. Blogs that affect faster come to a new level of development.

Idea 21

21. Gather All the Keywords That You Might Need

Idea 22

22. Observe the Blogs of Your Topic, Higher Rated Than You

Don’t ever copy someone else content, but to learn from their experience.

Idea 23

23. Your Social Networking Page Should Have a Link to Your Resource

Idea 24

24. The Youtube Channel

This is one of the greatest ways to get extra traffic to your site.

Idea 25

25. When Writing a New Post, Try to Dilute the Content With Pictures or Video Inserts

Idea 26

26. Join Social Networks Groups on Your Topic

You will always learn from someone and you will be able to unobtrusively show your site to others.

Idea 27

27. If Someone Already Refers to Your Resource, Try to Talk With Him, Maybe He/She Has Other Options For Cooperation

Idea 28

28. Ask The Blogger to Write Your Post

He is likely to share this information with his audience. Which of course will be a plus for you.

Idea 29

29. Do Not Ignore Questions That May Arise In Your Visitors, Answer Them, Conduct a Dialogue With the Audience

Idea 30

30. Add Your Resource to Popular Catalogs

Idea 31

31. Use the Services of Questions and Answers to Your Advantage

Give short tips-answers, and then more detailed information suggest to go to you on the resource.

Idea 32

32. Never Finish Your Posts In An Affirmative Manner

Your subscribers will be more willing to respond if you leave room for maneuvering reasoning.

Idea 33

33. Conquer Authority in Your Niche and Then You Will Be Contacted for Advice

Idea 34

34. Break your Blog Into Thematic Sections, It’s Convenient For Visitors And Search Engines

Idea 35

35. Try to Study The Subject of Your Blog in Detail, So You Will Always Know What to Share With Your Subscribers

Idea 36

36. Comment on Similar Blogs in a Positive Way, Thereby Exposing the Reciprocal Courtesy on Their Part

Idea 37

37. Try to Get Exclusive Materials, For Example, An Interview With An Authoritative or Well-Known Expert in Your Niche

Idea 38

38. Continually Share The News With Blogs On All Social Networks

Idea 39

39. To Use Content To Fill a Blog, Photos and Videos is No Exception

Idea 40

40. Try to Update Periodically Old Posts, Having Updated Them a Little


Adhere to the list of recommendations and results will not be long in coming. Good luck!