28 Resources for Beginner Developer

28 Resources for Beginner Developer

This article contains a list of resources for online teaching, of interest mainly developer.

  • MIT’s Open Courseware offers a variety of subjects courses 2100, including Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Free resources include online tutorials, exams, multimedia content, assignments, projects, and examples are all from actual MIT courses of the last decade or so.

  • Coursera launched in April 2012, and already broke the mark of 1 million students. Now includes more than 200 courses from 33 universities. If you haven’t heard of Coursera is a start-up in the area of online education, founded by professors at Stanford University, which allows you to complete an online course the University, which is taught by Professor at this moment at one of the best schools in the world. Free of charge.

  • Udacity a free service now includes 14 classes where you learn by solving complex problems. With world-renowned university professors. Courses cover topics that are not only taught you to write code, but also provide a sound knowledge of mathematics, physics and even how to build a startup.

  • Google Code University just one more of free resource and, apparently, a good option if you are interested in developing for Android. Also specializes in some advanced topics, for example, distributed systems and Web security.

  • Mozilla has gathered an extensive collection of resources for Learning Web technologies.

  • HTML5 resource includes a lot of free information, including articles and tutorials.

  • The Code Player resource with step-by-step video tutorials that show how to create cool things from scratch. It’s an opportunity to watch due to the shoulder of the programmer when it works. The project teaches the HTML5, CSS3, Javascript.

  • Codecademy a popular free site that makes a game component in the learning process, if you are studying together with friends. Focused on Web technologies. Codecademy also launched the CodeYear project.
    They say that the resource has gained great popularity after the tweet the Mayor of New York City at the beginning of this year, where he stated that he was going to use this site for teaching programming in the 2012 year.

  • Khan Academy offers a variety of courses that cover not only programming but also other topics. For example, math (many courses of different directions), science, finance, and economy.

  • General Assembly takes a different approach, offering paid live stream session on topics like “rapid prototyping: from the carcass before HTML”-you are purchasing an e-ticket, will receive a password and connect live stream do when he passes.

  • PeepCode covers a multitude of programming languages, providing downloadable (paid) screencasts.

  • Eloquent JavaScript, in fact, is a book that provides an introduction to the JavaScript and programming in General. The book exists in 2 formats. It is was publish in electronic form, which includes interactive examples and a mechanism for interaction with code examples (you can execute code or open it in the console Developer). You can buy this book in hard copy form Amazon. There is a translation in French (hard copy as well).

  • Ruby Koans will guide you on the long road to education in learning Ruby (not Ruby-on-Rails). The goal is to learn the Ruby language, syntax, structure and some common functions and libraries.

  • Learn Code The Hard Way started as a project for Learning Python as an online book-textbook but were as well add to materials for learning Ruby, C, SQL, Regex.

  • StackOverflow technically and does not contain “tutorials,” but has tons of (natural search) information, which can help. Also, if you get stuck on something, the community responds very well to the questions.

  • Coder Dojos venues where young people gather together to learn to program. Volunteers organize dojos. If you’re a teacher, or just want to share knowledge, you should take a look at this resource.

  • Scratch open source as well and if you want to help someone in training, Scratch-free, developed by the MIT Media Lab, which will assist you in this.

  • Apple Developer a resource for those interested in developing software for Apple products.

  • Android Developers continue to improve and contain multiple sections with recommendations for developers and designers. Also available video from Google i/o.

  • Mobiletuts+ resource with articles and tutorials for developers of mobile applications. Covers the development of native applications using the iOS SDK, Android SDK/NDK and Windows Phone 7 SDK, a cross-platform development using tools such as Titanium Mobile and PhoneGap, techniques for building Web sites that are accessible from mobile devices, and Web applications with HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript.
    Mobiletuts a platform for e-learning developers and designers.

  • Udemy offers courses (some free, some paid) on a variety of topics. Among the instructors-Mark Zuckerberg and Marissa Mayer.

  • Code School offers courses in Web technologies with video lessons jobs program a solution to any task. For most courses, you have to pay, but there is some free one as well.

  • Bloc promises to make you “Web Developer for 12 weeks. For a reliable reward Bloc will nominate a mentor, who will educate you during the allotted time. (Cost is $5000 for 12 weeks).

  • Treehouse has over 600 video lessons (on Web design, Web design, and development under IOS) that you can view for a monthly fee. There is also a premium subscription that offers more features.

  • Programmer a different approach to teaching programming, the essence of which is, directly to programming. All the attention paid to the improvement of practical skills. At each step, you need to solve tasks, develop applications, take part in competitions.

  • Processing is an open source programming language and development Wednesday, designed to teach (people who never programmed) Basic programming skills using Visual feedback based on the Java language but uses the simplified syntax and graphical programming model.
    Used for graphics programming. Very quickly turned into a tool for creating professional work. Here you can see the video works that have been set up using Processing.

  • Pluralsight is a rich library of online courses at.NET developers. There are also courses for many other languages and technologies (total about 360 courses). Access is available for a monthly subscription fee. There is a free trial for ten days (up to 200 minutes of video and other limitations).

  • LearnStret resource for learning Javascript, Python, Ruby. Interactive courses-study takes place in the form of writing code and get the result immediately. There is a theory, exercises, tips, and videos.