29 Web Resources that Needs to Know a Beginner Startups in 2017

29 Web Resources that Needs to Know a Beginner Startups in 2017

Today we would like to invite readers to search for and promote startups at different stages, starting with beta testing and ending with the official release.

  • The list includes those and other services that we have selected as effective and accessible based on our own experience or user feedback.
  • Each item is accompanied by a detailed commentary on the services provided and conditions.


  • Want to collect and warm up the audience to the official release? Betalist works with start-ups that have not yet reached the general public. The administration of the resource selects projects for free posting on the site with an audience of 25,000 users; There is also the possibility of immediate publication for $ 129.


  • If you ready to offer especially favorable terms to the first users, SignUpFirst is a good way to convey this information to them. The site contains special offers from young companies: discounts, promo, free trial or premium accounts and other bonuses, right up to T-shirts with logos. You can enter information about your campaign with your own hand, no fee is charged for this. For a contribution of $ 27, your offer is spread in every possible way on social networks and mailings.


  • Catalog of innovative start-ups. In the process of moderation of applications, the administration takes into account the uniqueness of the idea and how your product is represented on the Web; The stage of development of the project does not matter. The resource differs interactivity: users have the opportunity to put other people’s start-up’s pros or cons and take part in discussions.


  • The resource selects from the infinite number of new startups the most promising and innovative and communicates information about them to its users through all possible channels. You can apply and hope for the best.


  • All about startups: advice to newly-minted business owners, trends in various fields, analytics, success stories and so on. The administration invites visitors to share information about their own projects through a special form – your story can be a base for reviewing, articles or interviews.


  • Add your startup to the database, and the system will calculate its rating based on the search results and activity in social networks. The analysis is free, but the waiting time can be up to two months (of course, the process can be accelerated for $ 79). When your project is published on the site, the rating will also determine its position in the general list and, accordingly, the availability for visitors of the resource.


  • A simple random generator that randomly gives out a startup to a visitor from its catalog every time the page is updated. To include this child in this directory, it is enough to fill a short form.


  • A platform for the sale of side-projects. Note that the resource does not assume the role of an intermediary between the buyer and the seller, but, on the contrary, encourages the parties to communicate privately through other channels of communication – in fact, the service is exhausted by placing ads.


  • The resource offers startups feedback and beta users on a paid basis ($ 10 per user, package reviews – from $ 69 to $ 189). When you leave an application, you can write down in detail what aspects you are asking to pay special attention to.


  • Your chance to attract a whole army of beta testers to your startup is completely free. The Betabound community has more than 150,000 amateurs and professionals who are ready to take on any project that will attract their attention. If the moderators find your project interesting enough, a post with basic product information and contacts for beta testers will be placed on the application base. The administration emphasizes that all applications are published on equal terms – there is no opportunity to raise or fix a post for a fee, and the inflow of testers is determined solely by the merits of the project.


  • A digest of startups, which are being prepared for launch, plus bonuses in the form of lifehacks and product ratings. You can apply for inclusion of your product in the list through the form on the site, for free.


  • A service that promotes your startup through a mobile application or a web browser plug-in; Available only for a fee. For its $ 20 user receives about 2000 impressions per day.



  • A selection of the very most video presentations of startups. If you shoot a video on the idea, the project or the finished product – you here. The system is extremely simple, in order to offer a link, it does not even require registration. The administration considers only those videos that are already posted on Youtube or Vimeo.


  • Service for potential investors looking for a promising start-up. You can send your project to add to the database, describe in detail about yourself and your program. Immediately warn: YouNoodle will demand from you personal information – age, education, previous projects, the roles of employees in the team, and then analyze the state of the team based on the theory based on the theory of social networks.



  • A five-week online course for beginners who are just starting to develop their business and work for themselves. The registration fee is 25 $. The classes cover topics such as market conditions, website design, and logos, SEO optimization, branding. Participants pre-pass a kind of casting, during which the organizers are selected the most promising projects.


  • A platform that offers investors and ordinary users help in finding interesting and promising projects from a variety of categories. For owners of the same startup, the pleasure of placing your product on the site will cost $ 25.


  • Multitask resource: offers reviews of new startups, information on current vacancies and major events. Materials from site visitors are accepted; Be prepared to write down in detail how good your startup is in the application. Guaranteed and prompt placement of your history will cost $ 50; When considering in the usual manner, the fee is not charged.


  • A resource with analytical articles and useful advice for those who are launching a project related to the field of technology. The resource accepts materials from outside – tell the history of an exit on the market, exchange experience with other experts.


  • StompStart helps entrepreneurs to get support in the early stages of the development of startups by demonstrating projects to investors. Materials are posted on the site and pages on social networks for free. Particularly pleased with the administration projects, as well as posts from users who actively participate in the life of the community, have the opportunity to break into the main page.


  • Geography of startups. On an interactive world map, you can not only study the location of the offices of a company and find all owners of startups in your city but get information about whether they are looking for partners and whether they are interested in cooperation. A good tool for establishing business ties.


  • A resource for finding local start-ups. Citing the source: a platform for attracting early-stage investments and managing them. Thanks to Gust, professional entrepreneurs can cooperate with the most successful investors and receive support on almost all issues of interaction with investors.


  • The Startup Pitch enables application developers to announce the world about their product and answer user questions.


  • The social platform for the exchange of feedback. If other resources focus on feedback from users or testers, Breakpoint and its community of startups provide an opportunity to learn what they think about your colleague’s project.


  • Catalog of fresh start-ups. Cooperation is mainly on a commercial basis. Users are offered paid ($ 49 and $ 99) service packages to attract the widest possible audience – newsletters, press releases, advertising banners, popularization in social networks.


  • The administration of the site collects a collection of “best startups and side-projects”. Do not be confused by the Indian origin of the resource – according to Similar Web, most of the traffic to the site come from the US. It is possible to place both on a free and on a paid basis (prices and a package of services are discussed individually).


  • Another directory for startups, where people can see themselves and show themselves, and at the same time find followers in the early stages of project development. Accommodation is free, only the usual procedure for applying and moderation is required.


  • A resource that positions itself as an international community where the best talents and cultures of the world come together to seek to crowdfund, share ideas and share tools and advice, and help each other achieve goals. Simply put, you can share stories about your project, add it to your site, and find useful information for work.
  • For many readers of Khabra, domestic and Ukrainian resources will be more relevant than English speakers. And, although they are an order of magnitude smaller than those of foreign countries, some of them should be paid attention.


  • Ukraine resource, which provides support for existing projects at the initial stage of development. Eqverest is most interested in, first, in startups related to education and development, and secondly, in ideas that go beyond standard solutions.


  • Microsoft Corporation also did not stand aside: the tycoon is ready to provide some kind of assistance in the development of your project. Statakam offered an old good program Microsoft BizSpark, whose members receive free of charge:
  • licensed Microsoft software for the design, development, testing of products and the placement of services on the Internet;
  • Free resources of cloud hosting Azure;
    An opportunity to receive a Cloud grant in the form of Azure resources;
  • Up to 4 million rubles in the framework of participation in the Partner Accelerators;
  • Free access to the Windows Store;
    Technical advice, assistance in business development and a number of additional benefits from partners in the BizSpark community.

Successful projects for you!