How to choose an SEO Agency?

How to choose an SEO Agency?

Many of you faced with the need to increase traffic to your website for the purpose of sales or directly improve attendance. The most popular method for doing this is often coming to a head for searches engine optimization. The problem is that at this point the scope of SEO often causes negativity. Someone tried to move and has a negative experience, someone heard about it and didn’t want to repeat the mistakes of others.

Maybe someone will think that this subject already to much discussed. But here I describe the most efficient method for increase traffic to your website, real techniques that will help many wishing to promote your site and not lose money in an empty.
Why did I decide to write this article?

  • Now, despite the fact that the SEO market for many years, many do not quite understand until the end what it is and cannot properly evaluate proposals SEO companies and understand where there is order This service. In many ways, the future of frustration or success in promoting depends on choosing an SEO company.

  • I decided to help all those who are interested in this service and describe on what criteria rely when selecting a company, or rather even what questions to ask the future contractor SEO services. This method of selecting candidates in detail protects you against the loss of finance.

1. Is there will be any refund in case of absence of the results?

It is one of the main factors of concern to many. Often people burnt giving money freelancers, or companies have not received any result.

There may be 2 cases:

  • The first when none made weren’t, this is fraud and with SEO services have almost nothing in common.

  • The second instance is when the company complied, and here are the results you never received. In this case, the artist usually says: Unfortunately it happens, well, then we will not take your money. And this cooperation ends. The customer has lost time and money; the company has received a short-term profit.

It is important to share the risks of the client and SEO company, and agree that in the case of absence of the customer will be able to get all their money back. The company that operates with integrity and confidence in its work should agree that a big job which did not bring the results should not pay.

The results of the better assess not only in growth position. The position on the part of the queries may not give traffic. Then there is a list of low-frequency queries in the top hits, and here visitors will not give you a result, respectively is considered too impossible.

2. Whether purchased links in advance?

Almost all it is no secret that relationships affect ranking sites and are using in the promotion. But in the 2015 year, not all references are useful or at least harmless.

Consider the choices:

First option: purchase stock links.
If your site shall be bought stock links (both timeless and lease) that your site is under risk sooner or later get hit by this filter. It will cause all positions in Yandex will decline by an average of 20 views and the traffic from this search engine you almost don’t see because hardly anyone comes to

3 Page in a search.

Second option: links are not in use because they are disabled.

  • At the beginning of 2014 years, Yahoo said that disabled the link ranking in some commercial subjects to Canada and USA. But already this year with the introduction of Minusinsk algorithm, Yahoo stated that the returned reference rankings, but it does not take into account SEO links. Thus links purchased stock is not affected, and significant influence positively position.

    Therefore, those who say that the links are disabled just either did not know until now that the correct reference work, or are not able to receive them any other way besides selling to the stock exchange.

The third correct version: used not purchasing links from its sites.
The most appropriate option work with the reference profile is input none stackable the target links. Methods of obtaining such sites for dimensioning references are different. It is a more expensive option of forming the reference mass but only works. It is important to understand that such sites and methods of linking should be entirely different from current formats.

3. What are services providing within the framework of activities?

  • It is important from the beginning of works understand what services will provide artist. If these services include only the standard list of works: audit, selection of kernel, writing texts, reference input, is very high chance that the effectiveness of this is too small.

    Only text and link optimization bring no good effect for a long time. Ideally, you should provide a range of services, such as SEO, SMM, usability, the full marketing, and contextual advertising.

4. How many requests will be moving?

  • Many companies have tariffs, for example up to 20 requests a price one, up to 50 other queries, query 100-200 to the third and so on. With these requests still overlap frameworks, for example in the minimal package would include only low-frequency queries.

These tariffs are bad so that the limited list of questions will give you the minimum result and, in the case of a small number of low-frequency queries can not give visitors at all.
Honest SEO company will not limit you to a maximum number of requests that it will work, but they should not dramatically impact the cost. After all, finding more queries in the top will give you more traffic and money performer and incorrectly limit the client of such tariffs.

5. Specifies whether the contractor strategy with a description of all phases of work before the promotion?

  • The plan of work with your website is the key to the future success or failure in progress. Before you will start work, and pay for the domain, you need to know how it will move your site.

  • If the future artist says that it’s all going to be formatted after the payment: a collection of core, optimization, bug fixes. What this means He had no more understanding how it will work with your sites and your site just goes on stream.

    It is important that the strategy for moving all the steps you provided before payment.

6. Do you have a clear understanding of what will do with your website and what results it will lead?

  • Once you have on hand, all proposals and responses from the artist look again whether you understand what he is going to do with your site, what and which result you will come. If you do not have this understanding, it is quite likely that when working with you bad SEO company can “hang your noodles on the ears. Do you need it? If not then again browse to whom and for what you give your site.

Data analyzed points of view of dozens of proposals and tariffs at market SEO services.

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