The Top 50+ Tools For Management Development in 2017

Management Development Tool

The Top 50+ Tools For Management Development in 2017

The inefficiency of business processes, according to research company IDC, “eats” 20 to 30% of business revenue. One of the key performance indicators that could be automated. Automation can save time, money and save you from a headache. It is a fact. According to McKinsey, process automation can reduce costs by up to 90%. Therefore, investments in the relevant instruments are more than justified.

  • At the corporate level, the popularity of solutions that allow you to automate critical service processes in the financial, legal, human resources sectors. For example, one such tool is the ServiceNow platform, an integration of the functionality that is being handled by IT Guild.
  • However, it is important for companies to take care not only of automating global processes but also of what happens at the table for each employee. Therefore, we have prepared a small selection of tools that simplify the management of the development and life of developers.

Technology is the key to increasing efficiency in the organization. So consider 96% of surveyed by independent research agency Loudhouse executives. According to the study, 53% of those who in their efficiency programs rely on technology, more confidence in success than their less open to technology colleagues.

Managing Tasks

  1. Trello: project management and task distribution between team members
  2. Asana: another task planner, focused on team projects
  3. Basecamp: online tool for project management
  4. delegation of tasks with detailed description and terms
  5. Evernote: helps monitor personal tasks
  6. TimeCamp: project management with budgeting and reporting
  7. Ecamm Call Recorder: record business calls for subsequent accounting tasks
  8. Standup: generation of progress reports

Organization of Working Hours

  1. Calendly: a tool for organizing virtual meetings
  2. Freeter: collects everything you need to work on a project
  3. Mighty Networks: platform for comprehensive preparation for meetings
  4. Timeneye: for time management

Working with Email

  1. IFTTT + Google Drive: export files from emails
  2. DragApp: management of incoming messages
  3. Cleanbox: unsubscribe from all mailings in one click
  4. Boomerang: will show if the recipient has read the letter

Collection, Synchronization, and Preparation of Data

  1. Tiny Reminder: collection of tasks and files of the customer in a convenient form
  2. Agency Chrome Plugin: plugin extracting information from any site
  3. Beyond Compare: compare files and folders with simple commands
  4. Synchronization: Synchronization and backup of data
  5. Koala App: A cross-platform application for automatic compilation
  6. Cyberduck: FTP client for easy file transfer


  1. InVision: for team evaluation of ideas before directly creating a product
  2. XAML Designer in Visual Studio: environment an option for fans of this development 
  3. TranslateKarate: a toolkit for fast localization of content
  4. Axure: prototyping interfaces

Writing Code

  1. StackEdit: free online editor with markup
  2. Eclipse: Java IDE for auto-complete, refactoring and syntax checking
  3. Jet Brains Resharper: snippets and code templates
  4. Source Code Generator: source code generation for any language
  5. Snippets: Snippets manager
  6. Sublime Text: Source Editor
  7. Postman: platform for simplifying API development
  8. Gulp: a tool for automating time-consuming tasks in the development process

Working with Databases

  1. DaDaBIK: simplifies the migration of databases
  2. Devart: for comparing databases
  3. OFFSCALE: Database Monitoring

Identification of Errors and Problems

  1. Pivotal Tracker: optimization of team work
  2. Code Climate: automatic code analysis
  3. FindBugs: search for bugs in Java code
  4. Rollbar: Tracking bugs in real time
  5. Monit: monitoring and automatic maintenance of servers
  6. SonarQube: code quality checking


  1. BrowserStack: compatibility with most devices
  2. JUnit: Integrated Unit Testing Environment
  3. Selenium: environment for testing on different browsers and platforms
  4. Rational Functional Tester: Automated testing with multiple software environments
  5. CircleCi: simple and fast automatic testing
  6. Hurl: API testing tool

Collection Feedback

  1. Satismeter: assessing user satisfaction through feedback analysis
  2. UserVoice: a tool for collecting and analyzing data from users
  3. User Testing: Analyzing Product Use Data